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Academic Database Accessibility Proactive Testing (ADAPT)

ADAPT is a crowdsourced resource for librarians that will screen third-party databases, provide training, and support accessibility reviews, with the ultimate goal of improving usability for library patrons. This wiki provides librarians with accurate, up-to-date reviews of how well the digital interfaces of third-party licensed databases and subscriptions meet accessible web standards. It also offers the training and resources necessary to conduct accessibility reviews.

Want to learn more about this project or the Culture Lab Innovation Fund Grant that made it possible? Check out our project page on The Harvard Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Website.


Ready to get started?

  • To browse reviews of databases that have already been posted. . .
    • Visit the Index of Database Testing Pages and select the database you want to learn more about from the list.
    • View the testing results. If you don't know what any of them mean, click Expand to learn more.
    • Are any testing criteria missing? If so, testing may be easy. Consider becoming a Citizen Tester!

  • To get started as a Citizen Tester. . .
    • Visit any existing database page using the Index of Database Testing Pages
    • Check to see which accessibility markers still need to be tested, and pick a section!
    • Click Expand to view the testing instructions.
    • Follow the testing instructions.
      • Note: Some instructions require specialized tools. If you see a tool mentioned that you don't have access to, visit the Testing Tools Page.
    • Submit your findings by clicking the Edit button under the Testing Results heading beneath the criteria you tested for.
    • Enter your data and hit submit.

  • To add a new database. . .

About Our Testing Results

This is a learning community. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any of the testing results posted by our users. This information is intended to identify possible issues in the academic databases we license and provide a jumping off point for further discussion. Ideally, this information can be used to encourage our vendor-partners to fix accessibility issues that they may be unaware of.

About Our Name

Our site name, ADAPT, stands for Academic Database Accessibility Proactive Testing. We are not in any way affiliated with or related to the American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today, which also uses ADAPT as their acronym.

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